Hi, I'm Laura.
I'm the kind of a person that never stops learning. After finishing my Design studies at Vilnius Academy of Arts and working in the advertising industry for 7 years as a creative retoucher, senior colourist and art director, I've decided to dive deeper into the conceptual part of advertising and learn all I can about creating great ads from scratch. Here at The Atomic Garden I've challenged myself to take my skills to the next level. The challenge is now completed and I’m ready to move on to the next one.
+37065626879 | lauramalickaite@gmail.com | LinkedIn | Facebook
Hi, I'm Mantas.
Since childhood, I never allowed my parents to switch the TV channel during a commercial break and turned up the radio volume after each song. Later I found myself in the music and entertainment industry, where creative thinking and non-standard solutions were needed at every step. It all made me realise that I wanted to delve deeper into creativity and The Atomic Garden was the perfect place to learn it. The school taught me to look at things from a human perspective and never think about advertising while creating an ad.
+37068961019 | rasimasmantas@gmail.com | LinkedIn | Facebook